Julio César Gámez School, Honduras
The school is built on what used to be part of a soccer field that the men of the community would use. They came together and collectively agreed to give up part of their soccer field, for the school. This is a big deal in a country where soccer is by far the most popular sport. They realize the importance of education and want to elevate their community through their children’s learning.
The beauty of this story is more than just this sacrifice and dedication, it is one of unity and a desire to elevate and accept the growth needed for a prosperous, thriving future for the entire village.
This is one way we determine how and who we are able to help. We help those communities that desire our help and see that they are the real change and they are the future of these children.

Impact of Project

Completed February 2022, Now 95 students in grades 1-6 will have a safe, accessible learning environment. Students will no longer have to cross the Zarrosa River to attend classes, the rainy season will no longer result in suspended classes. New bathroom will provide 6 toilets divided by gender and a larger washing station to improve hygiene. Enrollment is expected to increase significantly as parents gain confidence in sending their children to a safe learning environment. Kindergarten building supports 30 students and is in acceptable condition
Watch the Video
Previous Conditions
Grades 1 & 3 were taught in a dilapidated wooden structure, the roof leaks and rain came through the holes in the walls. Grades 2 & 6 were taught in the Kindergarten building. Grades 4 & 5 were taught in a classroom built by community members, students had to risk drowning by crossing the Zarrosa River to attend which is dangerous or impossible during the rainy season. Classes were taught in either the AM or PM based on shared classrooms and were often canceled. The school has 3 enthusiastic teachers who are very motivated to teach the children of Nueva Alianza. Read the Impact Report

Aligned Values & Partnerships

This is the first of many schools we will build with our partner CePudo. Their core values of helping the poorest of the poor run deep through the organization and the more than 200 communities they have helped.
We're grateful for the opportunity to bring safe places to learn to dream to the children of Copán. Thank you for the incredible work you do throughout Honduras, and for your partnership in making this school a reality.
We also want to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Municipality of Copán Ruins @municipalidadcopanruinas for their incredible hospitality and generosity.
Impact Investor & Dedication
This school is dedicated to Luciano Rivera, a man who deeply valued education and instilled it in his children and grandchildren. Born in Puerto Rico, Luciano served a career in the United States Army after enlisting with a 6th-grade education. He went on to earn his GED. All of his 10 children are college graduates. All but two of his more than 30 grandchildren are college graduates. Today, Luciano’s legacy lives on through his family and now through the children of Nueva Alianza. In the photo to the right, his granddaughter, Kathryn Rivera accepts the gratitude from the Municipality of Copan Ruins and the community.


Celebration of Education
We're thrilled to announce the opening of the Julio César Gámez School for 95 students! Our team was honored to attend the inauguration and witness the beginning of a new chapter for education in Nueva Alianza, Honduras.
Here's to a bright future for the students of the Julio Cesar Gamez School! 🎓✨

Boundless Foundation thanks you for the work you do in service to the children of the world.
A special thank you to our volunteers and Corporate Sponsors:
Stella Bean Co. for Monthly Support, HWD Aerial Photography for the onsite video and post-editing services, Mindi Staley for website architecture and design, Magnetic Moment, and of course our Board Members who volunteer to make this happen over and over.